Being may be a balanced space between
the parallel and perpendicular –
A center where we connect
inward and outward
“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.“
– T.S. Eliot
It is our desire
to see growth and deterioration as movement of
four dimensions through three-dimensional
to see the spacetime world and ourselves as
a part of this movement.
“- Art comes not from a uniquely human sensibility , not from reason, recognition, intelligence, nor from man’s higher accomplishments but from something excessive, unpredictable, lowly and animal. Art comes from that excess in the world in objects and living things which enables them to be more than they are, to incite invention and production.
– Art is the consequence of that energy or force that puts life at risk for the sake of intensification, for the sake of sensation itself— for what can be magnified, intensified, for what is more.”
– Elizabeth Grosz